Can you see the forest?
After practicing law for over twenty years, I have seen it more times than I can count. People get caught up in the details and lose the...

The 3 common mistakes in Parenting Plans and how to avoid them
The Parenting Plan. This is the document that provides the "rules" for co-parenting with your former spouse. Even though your...
How much pain do you want in your divorce?
This may seem like an odd question: How much pain do you want in your divorce? Nobody really wants pain, do they? Yet time and again...
Missouri Changes Custody Law
Missouri has made changes to its child custody statute that will go into effect August 28, 2016. . Many people have "heard' that this...
Working Overtime and Child Support
Overtime and child support A client recently asked me if his overtime pay gets factored into the calculation for child support. The...
A New Year, A New Start
It has been a while since our last blog post. However, it is a New Year and a new year brings new beginnings. Here at Missouri Divorce Sourc
Custody: Do Moms always get the kids in a divorce?
The common myth that I hear, especially among the “father’s rights” contingent, is that Moms always get the kids in a custody fight. The...
View Claiming a child on your taxes
Sometimes the matter of being able to claim a child for tax purposes is a hotly debated item in a divorce or other custody case. It is an...
Understanding Alimony
Alimony is money paid by one spouse to another for support and to help with expenses. In the state of Missouri, alimony is now referred...
Learn the Language of Divorce in 5 MINUTES!
Do you “speak” divorce? Let's face it, the legal system is filled with words and phrases that are strange and foreign sounding. Lawyers...