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A Simple & Affordable
Divorce Option
The process starts by simply filling out the online form

Watch and listen to Ann as she describes just how easy, fast and inexpensive your Missouri divorce can be!
3 Things You MUST do BEFORE Telling your Spouse you want a Divorce
You have made the decision to get a divorce. Here are three important things you MUST do BEFORE breaking the news to your spouse.
This list is all about protecting yourself in the event your spouse does not take the news well. Read More
Divorce Doesn't Have to be Expensive...
MissouriDivorceSource.com offers a simpler, less expensive way to get a divorce. If you and your spouse know how you want to handle the essential points of the divorce, like dividing property or dividing time with the children, you can start by just filling out our online form. An attorney will then call you to explain the process. In most cases, we can achieve your divorce without you ever having to appear in Court.Best of all, this program is just a fraction of the cost of a traditional divorce.
Our Belief About Children and Divorce...
Even though your marriage may end, please remember the relationship with your former spouse will continue throughout your life because of the children you brought into the world together. Although you may not love your former spouse any longer, please try to be civil to one another- your children are watching.